Monday 31 December 2012

Smell of true happiness

... The smell of green, freshly cut grass in the backyard of the airport... And I thought I would never ever find the same smell around here, the place I'm now. It's like someone decided to send me sweet greetings from another world. The smell captivates the senses when I catch it, it fills the head and heart with a touchable feeling of happiness and love, it casts a spell on me and lets me be drawn back into memory, far away from place and time. Something which is deep within me... Sun shining, birds chirping, big yellow fruits hang down on the trees' branches..

But once you leave the source, the smell and all it causes is thrown back into the dark, misty pool of memory where it sleeps until....someone comes to wake it.

Lovely smell and lovely place, how I thank you to have been there to recall me of something that is dear!

PS: I never told you about it, but I have a secret love for airports. They remind me of having wings - sometimes - even if the most time of my life I spend without them.


Saturday 29 December 2012

Devant Moi Longings for Future

I get these longings...
These visions of - how could my life look like!?..... And then I need so much hope and love around me to go on hoping and living...As it says:

C'est devant moi que je veux vivre, j'ai devant moi beaucoup de vies et des rires...

As I listen to all that beautiful music, I experience so many strong emotions and it rolls through my head: What will I do with all the energy it produces? How can I elevate it in my life, how can I develop into something big and good and useful? How can I express the raging, howling, singing, laughing, burning soul inside of me? Should I meet someone who can take it and give it a name and a body? Should I just go on singing on my own and be nice to my friends and that's it? Or what should I do?
I want to do a big step to something. I just go no idea, what exactly is it that I want. It's one thing I know - I need much hope and belief in myself and in what I have and God help me to find the source and the direction to put the energy in it.
It's night, such feelings often come at night and the beauty and pain make me cry.
To say it again with the words of Mylène which were created for such moments:


La vie n'est pas toujours ce chemin droit

Il faut me dire quand vient le noir

J'ai devant moi beaucoup de vie et d'espoir...


The Power of Being

What 's this, that power? The power of creation, of doing, of change which lies within each human?
Et si c'est un homme, loi parler á création á volonté...

In each human heart there lies a power to bring something new into the world, to release a certain power which has an influence on the world. Why are arrest and prison the most popular punishment for a "misbehaving" human? Because the soul of a human crawls for independence, and each independence produces some kind of action. A human being, like you and me, like to have influence on his life and the life around! In prison, under arrest, your influence is taken - first the influence on others, and as last the influence on yourself, the last and most basic field a human can have freedom in. That's why arrest, prison or even any form of lack of freedom or independence can be so humiliating. You're been taken your most important quality you're supposed to make use of!

As a result of this, people often seek for power. Any power. The power a wife has upon her husband, a cook in a kitchen, a worker over the material he is working at, a boss over his workers, a soldier over his weapon, and a president over the goverment he is leading. In the end, all of us would like to have some control or power, and in the very first - over ourselves. Even if many people I met often say they despise this run for power, they despise the control over others, they despise any show-off of strength or superior ability, like they never would join an army or never go into politics or distance themselves from people who like having bigger presence in life.
But power not only makes us feel strong - it is one of the essences of humanity and it depends on how you choose to use the power you have. The talent of art, of singing, of writing, is another kind of own expression so many people admire. But each such expression is another way of showing your ability. My conclusion is that power is measured by its influence. My breath has no immediate influence on you, but a strong storm does - although it's nothing more than moving air.

If you want to feel powerful you should choose an instrument of power which can bring much good and life, Then this power will ordain you, ornate you and not make you ugly. You and me and all of us.


Friday 28 December 2012


They say, you never see - you never know, you never hear - you never know,  you never do - you never know. Seems that these three acts basically make up your wisdom. 
What is wisdom? "There is no wise but the one who has experience in life" (Talmud).
But you don't gain experience for nothing , and about wisdom it is said: " Multiplying wisdom multiplies pain." (King Solomon)
My preference? " Je voudrais retrouver l'innocence. "
I seem to prefer innocence over knowledge in many ways. Innocence is like a protecting cloth against the naked ugliness and ugly nakedness of life.
Ne déshabillez-moi pas!

Thursday 27 December 2012

Bleu Noir - The disco's calling

The night is calling me, the night is cold and blue and the girls are waiting.
I'm in black and silver, on my way to a hall full of emotions and music. My expectations? Discover friends and a new road to music.
La musique est une language universelle. Je l'aime......
Nager dans l'océan de musique....Ready to swim in an ocean of music ;-)

Unaccomplished longings - Music

....Evening came, night has arrived, and I play my music again and again...No way to say there could be anything more beautiful for me right now than the ringing of Mylène's singing in my ears.

You know this phenomenon? This state of mind which can't be excused nor ignored, when you feel the longing for one special song, one special singer, and only this one?....That is what has caught me now, and believe it or not - I enjoy it with all my heart.
There's nothing better than diving into another beloved person's world. I can say sans ambiguité, without hesitation that I love the person I get to know in a deeper way. I fall in love with this special way of the other one. This love is deep, desired - but remains unsatisfied, somehow, always. No matter how much you listen to what she sings, watch her face, her smile, say her name, dream her act in front of and next to you - you will never have her accomplished in your mind. It remains an unaccomplished dream....

Sometimes I think, there should be more of them.

There is a lot behind this face. Mylène.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Zèmer Rèmez - An Idea


"Quand.... mes mots s'ârrètent sur mes lèvres

Dis moi - qu'est-ce que je peux faire?

La résponse pourra être - sourire 

Mais j'ai fait mon choix - c'est écrire.  

Since a longer amount of time I feel an immense urge to find a way to express myself somehow in a sphere where everyone reads everything and my voice could be heard in some way without me running around through the streets and knocking on doors to find ears to listen to me. Each soul is an ocean of richness and beauty. If only we could be able to discover on our own what's hidden inside of us - we could be able to recognize this beauty in others. 

Be Me. Zèmer
My name is Zèmer and Rèmez means an indication, in Hebrew, one language which belongs to me. My mind and soul are rich - and I would like to share my luck with others. With whoever has his heart open to my words and thoughts. 
This ocean which is called soul - une ame in French, a language that I feel strong emotions for - we cannot see its bottom. We aren't supposed to see it. We have to come to understand that the soul is endless, timeless and immortal. As we are humans with our own special limits of life and death, we can only grasp a tiny little spark of that immense creature - the soul. The soul is a tremendous gift. Yet, it's like an instrument in our hands which needs to be learned how to use and not be broken. 

If you ask me - it's our task  in our life to explore our own souls and use the multiple abilities it includes. We need to learn to express what our soul gets to learn and develops within us. 
My choice to express myself is for now in writing, lyrics, music, shared experiences and of course, interaction with you, with all who lives and breaths. I feel strongly that a soul can communicate in multiple languages, and thanks God, I'm gifted with the knowledge of many of them. Therefore you will find posts in various languages. A translation might sometimes follow. 

Over the time I'm sure I"ll go through numerous revolutions on my own and around me. This will only enrich my exchange with you and with myself.


Je suis libre aimer et fondre l'or, faire de la mort une immortelle

Rêver jusqu'á l'aurore, aimer encore, aimer le ciel....

I love my life.
Love it with me!  <3

My inspiration for this blog derives from the French-Canadian singer and actress Mylène Farmer, I thank her personality and art for the inspiration to start this blog.